Засяване на семена за разсад
Засяване на семена (Видео в края на статията) Тъй като има толкова много препоръки относно засяването на семената на различни растения, ще се опитам да обобщя основните стъпки, които аз следвам и които са общовалидни. Така ще знаете принципите, които се съобразяват при засяване на вашите семена и ще можете да ги прилагате за различните […]
Аспержите – благородника на зеленчуците
Как да засадим аспержи? (Видео в края на статията) Познатите като „кралски зеленчук“ аспержи са вкусни, диетични и полезни – как да не станат любимци на всички. Съдържат фибри, растителни протеини, манган, мед, натрий, желязо, калий, калций и един куп витамини – К, C, А, B1, B2, B3 и B6. Заздравяват костите, понижават нивата на […]
Shiva – The almost human Indian God
Shiva – The Destroyer, Mahadeva and Nataraja Shiva – Is probably one of the gods from Hinduism that you have heard of. I have written an article on the myth of 33 million Indian gods before. It interests a lot of people to know how gods play a role in the lives of Indians. So, […]
Does India have 33 million Gods?
33 million gods in Hinduism? 33 million Gods of Hinduism – Myth or reality? India is a spiritual country, and gods and goddesses form the very base of our existence. The Indian Calendar is marked with multiple festivities revolving around these deities throughout the year. We look at them as a guiding force, trying to […]
Top photography quotes and funny memes
Why do we need photography quotes and memes? The reason is quite simple as far as we fellow photographers see. It is a profession which takes as much as effort as any other. Imagine you are a IT specialist, you have invested time in learning the latest coding languages and always keep upgrading your knowledge […]
Bulgaria and India – Similarities and differences
How similar are India and Bulgaria? My hunt for finding similarities and differences between India and Bulgaria started on a very funny note. One of the evenings I was talking to my parents in India and my wife happened to hear me repeating the words KAKA and BABA. Now she couldn’t understand why I […]
Composition in photography – The different elements
Elements of composition. Photography composition is not a rocket science. Think about it this way- what would look pleasing to the eye? That’s a subjective question isn’t it? Each subject is different and depending on what message you want to send or how you want the viewer to interact with the photograph, there are certain […]
India – A cultural mosaic
India – A multicultural society. “Where are you from?” Probably the most common question that I have encountered as an Indian in Bulgaria. That happens usually when I open my mouth and start speaking English with an accent which is pretty uncommon in these parts of the world. I like to call it a neutral […]
Pliska – A walk back in time
Part 2 – A day at Madara Rider and Pliska. Read part 1 – Madara Rider After the tiring walk around the Madara Rider we were hoping that we wouldn’t have to walk much. Especially our dog Ari who is a Golden retriever, walking around in the sun had sapped him and he nearly passed […]
A day at Madara Rider
A day at Madara Rider and Pliska. Part 1 – Madara Rider For the first year and half after I came to Bulgaria, I barely traveled around this beautiful country. There is so much to see and to do that one doesn’t know where to start. I was also handicapped by the lack of a […]