Diwali – The festival of lights

The Festival of Lights – Diwali. The festival of lights or Diwali is the biggest festival in India. What Christmas is for Christianity, Diwali is for Indians. I am going to take you on a journey through how it is celebrated and what is the significance of each day for us. За да прочетете статията […]
Indian Languages – A guide before traveling

How many languages exist in India? Which Indian language do you know? I know the answer 🙂 You will probably say – Hindi, Isn’t that your national language? Well, No. India, a democratic country with over 1.2 billion people, doesn’t have a national language. Weird aint it? So let’s take a deeper look into this […]
Indian Family Values

How does an Indian family function? Globally a lot of people are attracted to Indian culture and traditions. Some of them from a spiritual angle, while others because of the potpourri of things which shouldn’t be existing together. When I moved to Bulgaria, I realized that there is a surprising amount of interest to know […]
Indian Spices – The essential guide

Know your Indian Spices. When I moved to Bulgaria, my biggest challenge was where do I find my spices? Let me clarify something right at the beginning, Spices are not equal to chilies or heat. A masala is a concoction of different herbs and spices which give an unique flavor to any dish you are […]
Interesting fun facts about Mumbai

What is special about Mumbai? A city of dreams, a city that never sleeps, the financial capital of India. It is a city which has something to offer to every individual that calls its home. За да прочетете статията на български, можете да инсталирате плъгин Google Преводач от тук. The Gateway of India Mumbai is […]
India – A cultural mosaic

India – A multicultural society. “Where are you from?” Probably the most common question that I have encountered as an Indian in Bulgaria. That happens usually when I open my mouth and start speaking English with an accent which is pretty uncommon in these parts of the world. I like to call it a neutral […]
Hampi, Kishkindha of Ramayana

Hampi – A UNESCO world heritage site. For all of you who know my background, it wouldn’t be a surprise that traveling automatically becomes a part of my life. Visiting the best travel destinations, meeting people, understanding cultural and ethnic differences, it somehow brings out the best in me. I am no expert critique but […]