Urban gardening – a mission possible

Indoor potted plants, tools and a dog

How to grow vegetables at home in a city? Hello, Urban gardeners! When we decided to embark on our journey called Berry Berry Green, we had one main goal. It was to show that if we as urban dwellers, totally clueless about what a crop and urban gardening was, could grow food ourselves, it is […]

Permaculture – Walking the path of sustainable agriculture

Permaculture – fulfilling an organic gardening dream. My name is Zvezdi Pathare. Many people know me as a lawyer, photographer, fashion stylist and decorator, and more recently as an avid novice gardener. However, if you have to define me in one word, it would be – “Happy”. What gives me this happiness? – Fulfilling my […]

The beginning of our sustainable living journey

The sustainable living dream. Life has been crazy during the lockdown would be an understatement. While I pen this in the Month of June 2020 it has been four months of social distancing, working from home and making sure we do our bit to curb the spread of the virus. The journey we took was […]